Customized Wellness Evaluation

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Welcome to Dr. Steve Ventola’s
Whole Health Care

At our Chiropractic office in Atlanta, we believe that the pursuit for optimal wellness is an active process of making choices toward a more healthy existence.

We strive for objectivity in nutritional healthcare and provide clear chiropractic options in structural healthcare. We help Atlanta residents reach optimum health, so they can reach their fullest potential in life.

In addition, we provide online services to individuals living beyond the boundaries of the Atlanta area.

Recent Newsletters

A Walk with Henley (July 18, 2024)

This 4th of July weekend, I took my grandnephew, Henley, on a hike at the Linc in Newnan, GA. It was a joy! We walked through a thick wooded area and Henley thought of it being like the Harry Potter Forbidden Forest. But then I had an idea: to think of this area as a...

A Golden Window— Your Nighttime Routine (June 27, 2024)

The hour before bed is a golden window, according to Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy in their book, The Gap and The Gain. What you do during this "sweet spot" significantly impacts your sleep, mood, and even your next day's productivity. Why Your Pre-Sleep Routine...

Summer Wellness (June 20, 2024)

Drawing inspiration from Elson Haas' book "Staying Healthy With the Seasons," summer aligns with the Fire element in Chinese medicine, focusing on heart health, circulation and your small intestine. . By eating well, staying hydrated, exercising regularly, and...

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