Conscious Health Courses

Essentials for Well-Being

Are you ready to take control of your well-being? Do you crave more energy, inner peace, and joy in your life? But struggle to find the time or resources for traditional programs? The Essentials for Well-Being self-study program empowers you to enhance your life at...

What Matters Most—Your Compass in Life

Have you ever woken up in the morning feeling that something is missing? It’s not that you’re depressed, you’re just dissatisfied with your life…and you can’t quite put your finger on why.  Life satisfaction and fulfillment come from being in touch with your core...

Conscious Healthy Aging Vitality Group Membership Program

Conscious Healthy Aging Vitality Group Membership Program Well-Being Circle Are you aging confidently, or are you buying into an “Old Age Mentality”? Your mission should you choose to accept it—is to stop the “getting old,” mentality and embrace aging with...

Conscious Healthy Aging—Sustaining Your Reason for Being

Self-Study Program Are you aging confidently, or are you buying into an “Old Age Mentality”? Your mission should you choose to accept it—is to stop the “getting old,” mentality and embrace aging with confidence. Did you know that the word, “AGING” comes...

Explore—Discover—and Establish Your Greater Self-Discipline

Learn how to establish greater self-discipline in your life so you can stay on purpose meeting your immediate goals and long term aspirations to live a more fulfilling life.   As a Stoic philosopher, Marcus Aurelius believed in the power of self-discipline to improve...

Transforming Self-Sabotage & Actualizing Your Life Potential

Welcome to the coaching program on Transforming Self-Sabotage and Actualizing Your Potential. In this program, you are going to gain new knowledge and skills to stop undermining yourself as a result of listening to what can be called the “Cynic Within.”. During the...

The Stress Mastering Course

If only I could get over my fear so I could …. If only I could get rid of this tension … If only I could find a pace so I didn’t feel so rushed… If only I could find more peace and enjoyment in my life…. If only I could actualize more of...