Coming Alive…

Whenever you are feeling a little lost, disconnected & unsure about life it’s often because of one simple reason – you are not living your values. They are being neglected and put aside for other things in life that are vying for your attention and not bringing you joy.

Try these helpful tips to help you see more clearly & get back on top. May they serve you well:

  1. Write out a list of your values…the most important things in life (to you) and keep them visible.
  2. Pick one or two that makes you feel ALIVE every day and go do it.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs are people who come alive.”
– Howard Thurman

Feelings of purposelessness and confusion are natural from time to time. We all lose sight of our values at some point. That’s what friends are for…to help us find our way back.

If you’d like to learn more about adhering to YOUR values & actively shaping your life to honor them in everything you do, click the link below. I’ve got something to share with you.

For Our Greater Health,

Dr. Steve

P.S. Special offer ends New Year’s Eve.