Recently, I have been working with Marisa Murgatroyd’s Live Your Message program… and have taken note of her comparison of overwhelm vs having momentum in our lives.
The chart below was taken from her Mindset Matrix along with my own twist. It’s been helpful to keep me on track doing creative and fulfilling work. You may find it helpful to review which side of the spectrum you fall in too.
No one wants to live in a state of overwhelm. If you need help, contact me to set up an appointment to have a HeartMath training or retraining visit.
You can set up an in-office or virtual visit to do so.
You can also attend my next Master Stress with HeartMath session on Sunday, October 2nd at 2 pm EST. Here is the link for that
HeartMath is a tool to help you keep your centering, making it easier to move with momentum in your living.
For Our Greater Health,
Dr. Steve