“No one teaches kids how to navigate the internal world so they can succeed in the external world.” Kim Dobrin.
I was reading the Sunday Atlanta Journal Constitution and this statement was in an article citing a program for kids developed by Kim Dobrin and the work of her son, Brent Feinberg. Baggett Elementary School has implemented the program in the curriculum to help address the growing challenge our younger and younger population is facing.
Reading about this work and the “significant changes in student behavior” they are seeing is encouraging. While we can’t control everything that happens externally, we can control what happens internally. How privileged these kids are to learn this early on.
Helping individuals of all ages learn how to handle stress in a healthy way very much interests me. I have been mentioning the work I am doing with HeartMath in this respect. I have come across other methods that can also be helpful. They include such apps as Brain Tap and Brain Time.
Brain Tap has a variety of listening programs that add sensory input for our nervous system to be better integrated with various themes for children as well as adults. Topics include improving sleep, optimal health, weight wellness, stress, worry, children and learning.
Here is a link that gives you access to Brain Tap for 15 days to explore for yourself as well as your family. https://braintap.com/15-day-gift/#a_aid=2210STVE&a_bid=72e6afc5
Here is a link to explore highly recommended Brain Time https://braintime.com/
HeartMath has wonderful book about Teaching Kids to Love https://store.heartmath.org/Families-Kids/Teaching-Children-to-Love.html
For our greater health,
Dr. Steve