If only I could get over my fear so I could ….
If only I could get rid of this tension …
If only I could find a pace so I didn’t feel so rushed…
If only I could find more peace and enjoyment in my life….
If only I could actualize more of my sensing of purpose…
If only I could handle my stress better…
If these things sound familiar to you I would invite you to engage in my Stress Mastering Course.
Enroll Here: https://app.ruzuku.com/courses/39892/enroll
I have developed this course for you. It includes three essential elements to help you better handle the immediate as well as long term stress in your life.
Personally, I have had my share of stress and tensions also. I have sensed the unrelieved tensions I have had contributed to the development of inflammatory bowel disease and eventual colon cancer I have had in my past. Out of this, I have realized that the stress that I thought would eventually just go away never did, until I realized that I had to address it in a healthy way.
Rather than turning to ways that detract from health to de-stress I acknowledge that addressing stress in a constructive way sets the stage for a greater state of immediate and long term health and happiness..
Just as I have learned my health depends on how I address the stress in my life I am compelled to share this message with you as my greater service to the world.
This Stress Mastering course is to help YOU address your stress in a healthy way.
- untangle the tensions you have had in your life
- find a pace and rhythm in your life that allows you to enjoy more
- experience greater health along with lessening your health concerns
- be more at ease when you are at home or with your friends.
- be more productive with your work
- actualize your sensing of personal purpose
The Course Includes these 3 Essential Elements:
How to practice HeartMath .
“The HeartMath system empowers people to self-regulate their emotions and behaviors to reduce stress, increase resilience, and unlock their natural intuitive guidance for making more effective choices. This enables people to break through to greater levels of personal balance, creativity, insight and health.”
How to optimize your nutritional state
Our nutritional state has a lot to do with how we think and feel. Knowing more what it takes to optimize your nutritional state goes a long way to helping you address the stress in your life.
How to actualize your own innate potential.
Ultimately, the end aim of this course is to help you experience a greater and greater sense of fulfillment by the actualization of your innate potential. By utilizing HeartMath and optimizing your nutritional state this course will help position you to do so.
Enroll Here: https://app.ruzuku.com/courses/39892/enroll
With the help of Dr. Ventola’s HeartMath Program, my ability to handle the stresses of daily life improved greatly. Those closest to me have noticed how I am much calmer and react to life’s challenges in a much more positive way.
Robin M.
“My stress levels have decreased, my gut health has improved, and I am more grounded mentally and physically.”
Canyon R.
“You are doing a great job with this course! People will really benefit much more from stress management than I first thought!”
Paul S.
Enroll Here: https://app.ruzuku.com/courses/39892/enroll