Protein is found throughout the body is virtually almost every tissue and organ. In fact, 20% of the human body is made up of protein. (1) The building blocks of protein are amino acids which carry out many roles such as transportation of nutrients, supporting our...
The Facts Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. (1) 1 in every 4 deaths or about 600,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year. (2) Coronary heart disease is the most common type of heart disease and costs the United...
Did you know that our body is naturally able to remove toxins, chemicals, and poisons that we are exposed to on a daily basis? In our industrial society, considering the pollution and environmental contaminants, it is well understood you will get exposed to many of...
Diabetes is an epidemic. There are more people walking around today who either are diabetic or pre-diabetic and may not even know it. The statistics indicate that one in four Americans has either pre-diabetes or the full-blown disease (1)! This shouldn’t be...
Thinking about swapping out soda for a sports drink instead? This may sound like a healthier option, but most sports drinks sold in the United States contain higher amounts of sugar than other beverages. This adds calories to diets and is contributing to the national...
Confirmed cases of measles have reached a high this year according to the Center of Disease Control. This is the most documented cases seen since 1994. Measles, also called Rubeola, invade the cells that line the back of the throat and lungs. Common Measles Symptoms...
The long-term use of hand sanitizers which contain triclosan or triclocarbon is under the scrutiny of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. They are questioning not only the safety of these products but whether they actually work better than just soap and water at...
Have you heard of “oil pulling”? While this trend may seem like a new health craze, oil pulling has long established roots as an ancient Ayurveda ritual. Referred to as “gandusha” or “kaval” in the ancient Ayurvedic text, oil pulling was believed to help cure more...
High fructose corn syrup is a blend of glucose and fructose and is significantly cheaper than table sugar, therefore making it very attractive to the food industry for its use as a sweetener. It is found in very poor quality foods that are nutritionally void and...
Adding spices to your dish not only provides flavor but can also increase protection against inflammation and disease. Spices from around the world lend authenticity to international dishes as well as American cuisines and can provide creative inspiration for your...
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