
What Supplements Should I Take? (July 20, 2023)

Recently, a friend of mine let me know that he wanted to know more about what supplements he should take. With that in mind, I organized a presentation for him and other friends of which one noted, “Thanks again for your presentation, and the link to its...

Unstick the Stickiness of Stress (June 28, 2023)

We live in a stressed fill world and having healthy ways to handle it is vital for our sense of well-being. During our recent “Essentials for Well-Being” sessions, I presented a vital tool to help clear your consciousness when you are stressed by something that...

Well-Being Tips for Your Resilience (June 22, 2023)

  Develop a positive outlook by lowering your gratitude bar. Sure, big milestones are worthy of celebration, but so are the ‘little’ things in life. The smell of a Sunday breakfast, feeling the sun on your face, a playful pet. It’s easy to overlook all of life’s...

The Essences of Mental Well-Being (June 15, 2023)

In our 4th Essentials for Well-Being session, we considered the Essentials for Mental Well-Being. Here is a less than 3-minute video covering the essences of mental well-being you may appreciate: For Our Greater Health, Dr. Steve

Entraining the Brain to Remember (June 12, 2023)

Many of you have experienced the BrainTap program during an office visit.  It’s a light and sound brain training device with over 2,000 brain fitness sessions that are 10 to 20 minutes long. The technology, which has been used clinically since 1958, is being used to...

Vitality Consciousness vs a Disease Mentality (May 25, 2023)

We had a spirited Essentials for Well-Being kick-off session last Thursday where we looked at the difference between having a vitality consciousness vs a dis-ease mentality. You may like to view this brief excerpt of our time with this 6 minute video so you can...

Health, Habits and Your Sense of Identity (May 11, 2023)

“The opinions we have of ourselves are inevitably conveyed to others. If we are grasshoppers in our sight, that is the picture imprinted in the eyes of others.” –Grace Van Duzen The experience we have with our well-being depends on our habits, which also relates...